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Admission £8.  Contact:


Phil 01773432691,


Kevin 01257400650,


or Ken 01942732728





Tonight was a night to remember. Rare Ould Times did themselves proud. What a lively, musical opener to our festival! They set the scene and got us in the mood with Irish specials and singalongs, despite the inclement weather. What's new about that here at Coppull? Thanks to Lawrence Hoy, Steve Higgins and Debbie. Bandersnatch had to live up to that excellent gig. And did they not? Musical excellence at its best. Superb harmonies and timing, and just everything about that set was just ace. We loved it all. This group deserves to be up there with the best. A fab start to what should be a great weekend. Thank you to the groups and to all of you who turned out to support the festival.



Well done Ken Scally for hosting the singer/songwriter extravaganza. Cliff Jarvis and John, backed by Barry on bass, got us off to a good start by getting us to sing along to their rockabilly classics. Ken then opened the set with his self penned reflective historical gems about life in Wigan. Worsley Mains and "The sun is sinking down the Hill" are masterpieces. Colin Winstanley was next with mainly comical songs about life, such as kids, credit cards and Wally's shop. His final number was very reflective about finding our place in life. Billy Hill from St Helens, gave us reflective songs about being lonely, pubs shutting and his sisters. Pete Southworth pens romantic songs about love and nature and finished with his classic about the Lakes of Sligo which made me very happy. A D Cooke's songs are mainly about relationships and emotions and she delivered them confidently with a super voice that came from the heart. She performed many tracks off her CD Northern Girl, such as On my Own, Visions of You, I found a boy but I've got a man, I'll love you till we're old. It was a great afternoon of music which we all enjoyed. Who cares about torrential rain when this talent is around. Thank you to all the artists



Kim and Wayne wowed us with a wonderful set of blues and contemporary folk music. Kim sang from the heart, with her distinctly unique powerful voice and was accompanied by Wayne’s masterful guitar work and melodic harmonies. We were engaged with their set right from the start. They invited Peter Bryon to accompany them in the second part, with his masterful electric piano playing which subtly enhanced the sound. Colin Winstanley added another dimension with his bluesy harmonica playing for some of the songs. Pedro joined them to add his bass voice to The Dress of Emerald Green. This was a class act. Thank you.

Hard Times gave us and entertaining set with humorous droll all night. Laurie’s original one liners is a talent in itself. His songs are mainly a mixture of historical songs and well-loved singalong standards to which the audience responded. Laurie’s musical excellence with whistle and flute wowed us. Gordon’s 5 string banjo, guitar and mandolin playing featured prominently, and he played these instruments with ease moving up and down the frets comfortably with every performance. Geoff Wilkinson is the band's Bass player and a fine Guitarist who compliments the musicianship generated by this talented trio.m's sound effects from his percussion box added to Les's ukulele and harmonica playing, and the tune with the cigar box guitar demonstrated what great music they can produce. Jon Brindley was our final act. The fiddle playing gave us Irish and English dance music. The piano accordion took us to Italy, France, Scotland, Deep South, Ireland and England, played masterfully. Then his trusted guitar took us rock and roll in', to the blues, pop, jazz, traditional, romantic, gospel, genres. What can this man not do with his magical voice, and musical instrument mastery? All delivered in the laid back style we are accustomed to. Several times he invited Les and Tim Cooke from Chonkinfeckle to join him and the sound and energy these 3 lads produced, twas worthy of the biggest stage in the land, ably assisted by Westminster Stage Engineer Bill Sproson. And, we had it at Coppull in our tent! Thanks to Chonkinfeckle, Jon Brindley and Bill Sproson for making it happen. Thanks to all the artists who produced such wonderful musical memories over the weekend. Thanks to Mavis Bury and Ron and her team for giving us the venue and working so hard to keep it going in the bar. Thanks to the Coppull Folk Club team for all your hard work not only this weekend but through the the year with the fund raising concerts. Thanks to all the people who came and ignored those most awful wet downpours and just enjoyed yourselves. Your support and friendship means a lot.




Great talent at our Open Mic Spot




After one thought that the standard of music and entertainment at the festival couldn't get any better, along came Sunday Night. I think we'd all agree with Ken Scally that it was the best final night ever of the past 19 festivals. Chonkinfeckle delivered a very clever polished performance including some new numbers from their latest cd. They are born entertainers and their enjoyment and humour on stage spread the feel good factor to their audience. Tim's sound effects from his percussion box added to Les's ukulele and harmonica playing, and the tune with the cigar box guitar demonstrated what great music they can produce. Jon Brindley was our final act. The fiddle playing gave us Irish and English dance music. The piano accordion took us to Italy, France, Scotland, Deep South, Ireland and England, played masterfully. Then his trusted guitar took us rock and roll in', to the blues, pop, jazz, traditional, romantic, gospel, genres. What can this man not do with his magical voice, and musical instrument mastery? All delivered in the laid back style we are accustomed to. Several times he invited Les and Tim Cooke from Chonkinfeckle to join him and the sound and energy these 3 lads produced, twas worthy of the biggest stage in the land, ably assisted by Westminster Stage Engineer Bill Sproson. And, we had it at Coppull in our tent! Thanks to Chonkinfeckle, Jon Brindley and Bill Sproson for making it happen. Thanks to all the artists who produced such wonderful musical memories over the weekend. Thanks particularly to Bill Sproson who managed the sound and lighting throughout the weekend so efficiently.  Thanks to Mavis Bury and Ron and her team for giving us the venue and working so hard to keep it going in the bar. Thanks to Coppull Rugby Club for allowing us to camp in their grounds.  Thanks to the Coppull Folk Club team for all your hard work not only this weekend but through the the year with the fund raising concerts. Thanks to all the people who came and ignored those most awful wet downpours and just enjoyed yourselves. Your support and friendship means a lot.



Monday and farewell to a brilliant festival with lovely people and brilliant music. Thanks to the tent taker downers team.













We had a full house tonight with a lovely friendly atmosphere and an appreciative audience.

Ken Scally and Barry opened the show with a comical Lanky set.  This was followed by the Strawdogs,  Christine Taylor, Peter Southworth,  Barry and Ken, who wowed us with musical rockabilly classics.   Phil Regan sang melodic contemporary folk songs and John Morgan-Thompson gave us a lively set to finish the first half. These are all talented musicians and singers and deserved their warm applause.

The Houghton Weavers had us singing and laughing from the start.  Their second half consisted of requests from the audience.   This proves their versatility and wonderful memories to be able to do an unrehearsed set with ease.  Their stage presence is so uplifting and this is why they are still around and as popular as ever.

Thanks to all of you who came, helped out, contributed raffle prizes and performed on stage.  This concert was a big help to our fund raising.  Thank you.

The next big event is the actual festival Jund 10, 11 and 12, 2016.  Roll on June 10th and settled and dry weather!





The evening began with some of the talented regulars who attend the singaround each Wednesday.  Ken Scalley assisted by Colin, Peter Southworth, John Morgan-Thompson, and Mervyn Rimmer, treated us to a varied mix of acoustic music and were well received by this appreciative audience.


Anthony John Clarke wowed s tonight with his fast words and endless patter.  He's a unique artist who has that knack of involving his audience all the time.  We were like school kids singing louder, softer, faster, slower, higher, lower, etc.  He does this with ease.  His wife Julia accompanied him in the last few songs and was included in much of the banter.  Anthony sang many old classics like "Tuesday night is always Karaoke", and "Gloria".  However his relatively new "Car Boot" song is up there with many of his greats.  He is truly gifted and we left with that feel good factor one gets, after so many laughs.  Thank you Anthony John and Julia.


Thank you also to the support artists and to the backstage crew especially Kevin Brady and Ken Scalley who work so hard at promoting the fund raising concerts.  A big thank you to Mervyn Rimmer who provided the sound system and made sure that it worked perfectly all night.  Thanks to Phil Regan who organised the event and did the MC.  Thanks to Sheila Taylor, and Diane and Albert Shanzl, who helped out with the tickets. Finally thanks to all of you who came and supported us.  It was another great night.


We now look forward to the final fundraiser concert before the festival on Friday 8 April 2016, with the Houghton Weavers.








We had another brilliant night displaying Wigan talent at its best.  Thanks to the support acts, Ken Scalley, Peter Southworth, Chris Taylor, Barry, John Thompson and Mervyn.  Ken opened the show with a few humours lanky numbers.  Peter and the Strawdogs (Ken, Chris and Barry) followed by a few Dylan and Donovan classics.  Then we had a newcomer John, who sang some lovely melodic ballads.  Finally Mervyn finished the first half with his usual guitar mastery and haunting lyrics.

One Hand Clapping did not disappoint. These two gel so well and can range from slow melodic songs to rousing tunes with ease.  Tim sings every song  from the heart accompanied By Chris's tuneful fiddle backing.  Chris started the more up tempo second half with a rousing version of the Mason's Apron and the audience responded with their enjoyment of the excellent set.  They were a delight as always.

Thanks to you the audience for coming to support us.   Thanks to Mervyn for providing the sound, to Phil for doing MC, and to Ken and Kevin for promotion and ticket sales.

The festival is scheduled for 10, 11, 12 June 2016.  The next fundraiser will be on February 19 2016 with Anthony John Clarke.




We would be delighted if you could support our next fundraiser for the Coppull Weekend of Folk Music, 10, 11, and 12 June 2016


ONE HAND CLAPPING take to  the stage on FRIDAY 20 November 2015, 8 PM


Tim and Chris are a great duo and complement each other brilliantly with fiddle and guitar, alternating between high energy and soulful melodic songs. Supported by our local singers




£5 before  £6 on the door


Phil 01772 432691

Kevin 01257 400650

Ken 01942 732728



After many hours of putting the poles together and undoing them again, we got the tent up. The sun was shining and all was well. Thank you to all the helpers. Roll on Friday.

Friday night was a great start to our music weekend despite the cold weather. Turnpike opened the festival with a lovely duo set and they were followed by the beautiful singing of Ruth and fantastic guitar playing of Ken Powell. They chose music from many different genres as well as contemporary folk, and everythijng they chose had “the magic”. They are truly a class act.

Saturday Afternoon started with the song writers show case. Little Bird, Peter Southworth and Ken Scalley entertained us with their self penned songs. It was great to hear original material performed so well.

This set was followed by “TheYoung Uns" who were an absolute delight . Such up and coming talent. Well done, Shannon Walmsley, Adam Cheetham, Paul Regan, Alex Preston, and Lauren Clarke.

Saturday night treated us to the delightful Chonkinfeckle who were superb as always. Their clever self penned lyrics about life in Wigan and environs, were delivered with excellent ukulele and percussion backing. They were entertaining and fun.

Hard Times were brilliant. We had history, storytelling, singalongs, comedy, and virtuoso whistle and banjo instrumentals from Laurie and Gordon. Highlights were the William Tell Overture and the Masons Apron played on the whistle. These got standing ovations.

We had a great day with a full house both in the afternoon and night, followed by another long night session in the bar.

Sunday afternoon saw the usual Open Mic Session which again had good performances from many of the musicians attending the Festival.

On Sunday night, the highly talented Jon Brindley did not let us down. He sang from the heart with his magnificent voice, accompanied by excellent guitar and accordion playing. His new 'beast' adds yet another dimension to his already wide repertoire. His patter is like no other. You can see him again at the Unity Club, Standish along with that other highly talented group Chonkinfeckle, on July 10th. That double bill should be fun. So get there and support your local talent

Also on Sunday night, Ed McGurk and Nic Caffrey treated us to wonderful musical renditions of both traditional and contemporary folk songs. Their harmony and story telling have resurrected many of these gems of songs and brought them back to mainstream audiences. Not many people can do that but these two experienced and accomplished performers have nailed it. The fact that Nic had a throat infection did not deter from this wonderful set. They were a delight and the audience loved them. A comment after summed it up "this is real folk singing". A fitting end to another great music weekend at Coppull AND it didn't rain!!

A big thank you to the tent team who turned up both on Thursday and Monday afternoons.. You did a sterling job and the tents have now been put to bed for another year.

Thanks to Mavis and Ron for all their hard work tending to the bar and keeping their pub open to accommodate so many guests all day and night. Thanks to Westminster Stage Engineering – Bill and Lesley, for making sure that the sound quality was A1 throughout all 5 concerts. Thanks to Ken for the Stage. Thanks to Mavis and Ron and to Phil who provided the tents. Thanks to Ken and Phil who shared the MC’S role. Thanks to everybody who helped with the raffle, both the prize donators and the ticket sellers. Thanks to Coppull Rugby Club for providing the camping facilities. Without all this help, the Festival could not run. A very big thanks to you Phil for co-ordinating it all, and making it happen.

Lastly thanks to all of you who came, and helped to make this Festival of 2015 come alive for the weekend. For old friends and new it was another very memorable occasion and a great success.




FRIDAY NIGHT - Turnpike and Ruth and Ken Powell

SATURDAY AFTERNOON - Outdoor Session, Singer Songwriters and the Young 'Uns

SATURDAY NIGHT - Chonkinfeckle and Hard Times

SUNDAY NIGHT - Bar Session followed by Jon Brindley and Ed McGurk and Nic Caffery